Wednesday, September 25, 2013

#2 Cycle 8 days later

Hello My Dear Friends and Family,
 I feel better today I was struggling on 4th day for 4 days being nausea ,mouth sores, and taste bud . Today I was able to eat a breakfast taco and snacks. Monday 30th I go for Blood Work. I bought a Nurti-Bullet Juicer to help me intake all my veggies and fruits .I'm hoping for a good result on my white blood cell count that fights off infection and if it low you become very weak. My bones can be hurting but I will not put the broom away. Next #3 chemo will be in Oct. 14 Columbus Day.
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. I was glad to see you had a new post. I read an article today that reminded me of you. It was on the importance of having Hope and Strength for each day. In the article it said that you could take a man’s wealth and even his purpose in life but without hope man could not go on. May God renew your Hope and Strength in Him.
