Monday, January 27, 2014

# 8 Cycle

Sorry for the late update. I had my last chemo treatment on Tuesday 21st. And that was one of the greatest reliefs of this journey...Thank you for your prayers, and for walking hand in hand with me in this   
 I will be having surgery on Feb.24,2014
That's 3 weeks from now and enough time for me to get strength for my second journey.
I probably won't be able to update my blog after surgery . I'll get my daughter to give you'll and update. Last nite I had a restless nite couldn't fall asleep my back was aching my knees were aching feet tingling. I have been a little tired because of this effects. I am just thankful that it is the last and that these next couple of weeks will be emotionally and physically for me. 
Thank  You all again for caring,

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you. It's been a tough journey but you have not walked alone. He has walked and carried you thru those difficult moments. Keep the faith- love you--rosa
