Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Chemo Cycle #5 w/ Taxotere

We had some great news on our visit to Dr. Shalan where I had Chemo #5 treatment w/ Taxotere new infusion med. It's a total of 4 treatments every 3wks. Labs on the 11-27-13. Chemo cycle # 6 treatment 12-10-13.It's My good week and I will be present in our Xmas party at Benchmark .
I am already getting excited and how special it will be for me to see everyone..
PET  SCAN Results on Nov15 :
The Dr. Said everything looked good and he's very pleased to see the A / C  Infusions was beginning to shrink all my Left Axilla (armpit) Subpectoral  space (Under the clavicle) and left  neck. These are all the malignant lymph nodes. Impression of the Pathology Dr  from Pet Scan report looked Positive Treatment Response .. The 11' and 2" breast tumors where I'm having constant shooting,prickling ,
And a swollen left breast today he examined it.  Pet Scan showed Inflamation to the Breast or thickening of the skin . He's looking forward w/ Taxotere will reduce the swelling on my breast . We're going to monitor it until my next treatment . Otherwise he's requesting for Surgeon to do a biospy on skin . Pet Scan Whole -Body  did not spread to any of my organs . I'm seeking The Lord ,knocking,be patient and Trust in  the Lord. I admit I worry shed a tear. But I find strength in God and His Words.
My HBG (red blood count) I passed it 8.6 the range should be at least 11.7. Dr. Shalan said as longest it's 8 he would let me go . I told him I refuse Blood Transfusion . Give me a different treatment option. I was asked if I was Jehovah Witness . He wants me to bring up 8.6 eat more iron and rich foods by Nov.27 . Thank you all for caring so much through these last four months. Thank you all for lifting me up thus far. 
Happy Thanksgiving
Love Rachel

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Update from Surgeon 11-13-13

I had a follow up with my Surgeon Wed.13th I'm still having pain from my underarm to the breast constant shooting pains.She exam doing finger points and had me in tears that lymph node is swollen .
Surgeon said Chemo medication wasn't shrinking the breast.She would be speaking to the Onocologist something needs to be done. She did expedite Pet Scan Fri. 15th. 
Nurse called me and told me I had a chemo treatment on the 19th.
On the 14th I went for blood wk only and she warned me my red blood is low and I must bring it up by Tuesday 19th otherwise they will not give me chemo . They're going to give me a blood transfusion .
I went bought me a iron supplement ,Eating more veggies,liver.
Tuesday  19th I have Chemo Treatment and I should have results from Pet Scan?
Dr will discuss the plan on Chemo and what was discuss between him and Surgeon.
Please pray this week as I go Tuesday for Treatment and My Red blood count be normal.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

#4 Chemo Treatment

Monday , I had my fourth Chemo Treatment and my Last Infusion with  the Harsh A&C Meds. The after effects of the treatments seem to get worse with each treatment, but I know I will make it through the last ones.
Tuesday I had to go back and get WBC ( Nuelasta Injection ). That really takes it's toll on me. I am thankful that I am at least able to move. 
My RBC are low nurse said I better eat plenty of iron foods by next week Thursday 14th Lab work only 
Otherwise  I'm going to require blood transfusion ..I'm trying to eat. I bought some strawberry flavor Boost supplement.
Nov. 13 Wednesday I go for a follow-up with Surgeon. 
Nov. 25 Pet Scan
Dec 2. Discuss my pet scan.
Thanks for all your support and prayers,